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San Jose, CA

KeenAlignment's Executive Leadership Development Workshop is designed to help managers improve their skills and resolve performance issues. The workshop addresses challenges such as accountability and workflow, which can impact team efficiency. KeenAlignment believes that the command-and-control management style is ineffective in today's complex work environment, and instead focuses on situational leadership and a deep understanding of people to inspire and motivate employees.

The company offers three Leadership Development Programs:

1. Culture Catalyst: This program is aimed at addressing deep-seated problems of high employee attrition and reduced engagement through cultural transformation initiatives.

2. Momentum Coaching: Designed for managers who feel stuck on their path to senior leadership, this program provides personal and inspirational coaching to build momentum in career advancement.

3. Leadership Accelerator: This program helps managers overcome trust issues and team tensions that may be impacting performance, allowing them to unlock their full potential as leaders.

KeenAlignment emphasizes the importance of coaching in improving work performance, relationships, and communication skills. They offer a free online assessment to determine alignment between strategy, leadership, and people. The company has received positive testimonials from participants who have found the workshops transformative.

For more information or a free 30-minute consultation with a culture coach, interested individuals can call 1-833-226-6679 or schedule a consultation through the website.