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Hiring local service providers not only ensures personalized touch but also bolsters the Schaumburg community. Every time you opt for a local service in Schaumburg, Illinois, you're strengthening the local economy and cementing community ties. LocalCity Services is your trusted ally in discovering authentic local service providers. If you're a service provider in Schaumburg, we're here to enhance your online footprint, drive more clients to your website, and even assist in designing a modern website. Delve into our Local Service Provider Resource page for unparalleled growth opportunities.

Comet is a company that specializes in dietary fibers, specifically arabinoxylan, which they have perfected in their proprietary line of ARRABINA dietary fibers. These fibers come in multiple grades of fully soluble powders to meet various formulation needs. The ARRABINA fibers are versatile, with no taste, color, cost, or performance trade-offs. They have proven tolerability and health claims, low inclusion rates for claims, and are sustainable with a low impact on the environment. Comet's manufacturing facility produces over 4 million kilograms of ARRABINA per year using their patented upcycling technology. They aim to create a sustainable alternative by upcycling underutilized plant nutrition in our food system.