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Cerrozone Logo


Maryland Heights, MO
✅ LocalCity Services Trusted Business

Cerrozone is a company that utilizes a revolutionary approach to air purification. Unlike traditional methods that rely on trapping or inactivating airborne pathogens over time, CerroZone's technology is designed to immediately kill or inactivate viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. In independent laboratory testing, CerroZone demonstrated a reduction of 99.99%+ of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus in a single pass, taking only 1.2 seconds. The efficacy of their technology against RNA viruses, MS2 virus, and other pathogens has also been proven.

CerroZone's technology harnesses the natural power of ozone. Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive form of oxygen that damages living cells upon contact. CerroZone's proprietary technology pulls air into the unit and subjects it to ultraviolet light sources, which convert oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). The ozone destroys microorganisms in the air and then passes through a catalyst that converts it back into oxygen before reintroducing it as clean, fresh air into the room. The system runs continuously, providing constant protection for anyone in the room.

CerroZone products are designed to meet or exceed ASHRAE Standard 241 requirements and comply with various safety standards such as CARB (California Air Resources Board), EPA, and OSHA. They are registered as FDA 510(k) Class II medical devices and proudly engineered and manufactured in the USA.