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Hiring local service providers not only ensures personalized touch but also bolsters the West Rutland community. Every time you opt for a local service in West Rutland, Vermont, you're strengthening the local economy and cementing community ties. LocalCity Services is your trusted ally in discovering authentic local service providers. If you're a service provider in West Rutland, we're here to enhance your online footprint, drive more clients to your website, and even assist in designing a modern website. Delve into our Local Service Provider Resource page for unparalleled growth opportunities.

The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center is a non-profit art organization located in West Rutland, Vermont. For over 35 years, they have offered workshops and residencies for artists of all ages and skill levels to create three-dimensional art. Workshops cover a wide range of sculptural media, including stone carving, metalwork, woodwork, clay molding, and more. They also offer artist residencies where selected artists are invited to create new sculptures and engage in cultural exchange. The center features a sculpture garden with monumental sculptures, an on-site gallery, and a quarry store where artwork by resident artists can be purchased. The proceeds from the sale of art support their art education programs.